Are Shiny Pokemon Actually Stronger Than Regular Ones?

You’re playing Pokémon and encounter a wild Pokémon. But something seems a little off – its coloration looks different! Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s a rare alternate color variant called a “Shiny” Pokémon. A jolt of excitement surges through you.

But as you prep for battle, a question lingers in your mind – do these Shiny Pokémon have any competitive edge over regular ones? Are they truly stronger, or is the color variation merely cosmetic?

Well trainer, we’re gonna get to the bottom of this question once and for all! Grab your Poké Balls and let’s investigate if Shiny Pokémon really have better stats or are simply visual collectibles.

Shininess Doesn’t Affect A Pokémon’s Power

In the earlier Pokémon games like Gold, Silver, and Crystal, a Pokémon’s “shininess” was actually determined by their hidden stats, known as IVs (individual values). Certain IV combinations resulted in a chance of the Pokémon being Shiny.

Since higher IVs meant stronger underlying stats, Shiny Pokémon tended to have slightly better Attack IVs on average in Gen 2. So you could say they were slightly stronger than normal ones.

But! This changed in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Gen 3). From that point onward, a Pokémon’s shininess was calculated completely separately from its IVs and stats.

What does this mean? Well, it means that whether a Pokémon turns out Shiny or not is totally random chance – it’s no longer connected to the Pokémon’s IVs or potential battle strengths.

So in all the modern Pokémon games, Shiny Pokémon have precisely the same underlying base stats, IVs, EVs, and movesets as regular versions. A Shiny Charmander will grow up to be the exact same Charizard as a regular one, powers and all!

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The bottom line: Shininess is purely visual – it does not make a Pokémon inherently stronger or improve its battling capabilities.

Color Is The Only Difference Between Shinies and Normals

Since a Pokémon’s shininess no longer affects its stats, what exactly makes a Shiny Pokémon special?

Quite simply – its color! Shinies come in alternate colors that set them visually apart from their regular versions. That’s the one and only difference between a Shiny ‘mon and its normal variant.

Some Shinies have very subtle color changes, like Shiny Bulbasaur being a slightly bluer shade of green. Others have super dramatic differences, like red Gyarados instead of its usual blue!

But regardless of the color variation, Shinies provide no extra abilities, moves, stat bonuses, or anything else that would give them an edge in battle. It’s 100% aesthetic.

So you can impress your friends with your hot pink Shiny Espeon as you crush the Elite Four! But it won’t inherently perform better than a regular Espeon at the same level with the same moveset.

Shinies offer zero combat strengths over their regularly colored counterparts. The alternate colors are simply for show.

Rarity And Accomplishment Are The Real Rewards

If Shiny Pokémon aren’t actually stronger, what makes them so gosh darn desirable to catch? Why do people spend hours “Shiny Hunting” trying to find them?

Two key reasons:

  1. Rarity – Shinies are super crazy rare. You only have a 1 in 4096 chance of stumbling across one in the modern games! That tiny chance of finding one makes Shinies feel special.
  2. Sense of accomplishment – Catching a Shiny takes patience and dedication. Tracking down that 1 in 4000 Pokemon gives you a major feeling of achievement once you succeed!

It’s human nature to want rare and difficult things, even if they don’t offer any practical advantage. The prestige and bragging rights that come with catching an elusive Shiny ‘mon are what fuels the thrill of hunting them.

Sure, regular Pokémon can be just as strong in battle. But do any of your friends have a jet black Charizard or a lime green Bulbasaur? Probably not! The color variations that set Shinies apart satisfy collectors and bring exclusive flair to your teams.

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And let’s be real – if Shinies were super common and easy to get, they wouldn’t feel nearly as special anymore. It’s the crazy low odds of finding them that make the payoff so sweet when you finally catch one!

Shinies are rewarding because they push your skill, patience, and endurance as a trainer to the limit. Not because they offer any competitive edge.

Shiny Evolutions Retain Their Unique Colors

What happens when you evolve a Shiny Pokémon? Will it stay Shiny, or turn into a regular version of its evolution?

Fear not, trainers! When you evolve a Shiny Pokémon, its evolution will remain Shiny as well!

For example, say you caught a Shiny Eevee. If you evolve that Shiny Eevee into Espeon, Umbreon, or any of Eevee’s other evolutions, they will appear in their unique Shiny coloration.

So collecting a full set of Eevee evolutions in their Shiny forms is totally possible! It just takes a whole lot of Shiny Eevee hunting to make it happen.

This applies to all Pokémon – evolve a Shiny Weedle, and you’ll end up with a colored Beedrill. A Shiny Wimpod will turn into a special Golisopod. And so on!

Shiny versions retain their unique colors when evolved. So you can build complete alternate color Pokédex collections if you have the patience!

Some Legendaries Are “Shiny Locked”

As we’ve covered, Shinies are incredibly rare finds out in the wild. But did you know there are some Pokémon that are totally locked from ever appearing Shiny?

These unobtainable Shiny Pokémon are usually Legendaries or Mythicals. For example, the Legendary titans Regirock, Regice, and Registeel cannot be found in Shiny form in their regular encounters.

Certain Pokémon also have Shiny locks during main story moments. That First Partner Pikachu you received? Sadly unable to be Shiny. Legendaries you catch as part of the plot? Shiny locked as well.

These locks exist to preserve the prestige and exclusivity of certain rare Pokémon. After all, coming across a colored Legendary would be crazy! So they save those for special distributions and events.

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That said, through manipulating RNG or participating in Max Raid events, many formerly locked Shinies have become obtainable. So don’t lose hope if you really want a specific Shiny Legend!

While some Pokémon are permanently Shiny locked, most can be found or obtained in Shiny form through hardcore hunting methods.

Do Shiny Pokemon Do More Damage Than Non-Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO?


Are Shinies stronger in Pokémon GO?

Nope! Just like the main series games, Shinies in GO offer no combat advantages. A Shiny Vaporeon will have the same CP limit and moves as a regular one. Their rarity and visual appeal are what makes them desirable.

Should I keep or transfer Shinies?

Keep them! Shinies are rare collector’s items. Even if their stats aren’t ideal for battling, you may not come across that particular Shiny again for a very long time, if ever.

How do I tell if a Pokémon is Shiny before catching it?

Watch closely when encountering wild Pokémon! Shinies have alternate colors and a special sparkling animation plays when they appear. If you see any color abnormality, get ready to catch a Shiny!

Are Shadow Pokémon better than Shinies?

Shadow Pokémon deal more damage, but also take more damage. Shinies have no statistical advantages but are much rarer. It depends if you value power or prestige more! Both are cool to collect.


And there you have it, trainers! While Shiny Pokémon are incredibly awesome to discover, they offer no inherent competitive strengths over their regular colored counterparts.

A Pokémon’s shininess is determined purely by chance and has no connection to its potential stats or battling capabilities. The alternate colors are simply a visual treat!

What makes Shinies so coveted are their 1 in 4000 rarity and the immense feeling of accomplishment when you finally encounter one. Plus, they retain their special colors when evolved, allowing for full Shiny collections.

So get out there and start searching! Part of the fun is never knowing when you’ll stumble across the next Shiny. Just don’t expect it to sweep your battles – appreciate it for its aesthetic appeal and the rewards of your dedication as a trainer when you finally catch it!

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