The Controversy Around Hacked Shiny Koraidon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Koraidon is one of the legendary Pokémon newly introduced in the latest games, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. These rare and powerful Pokémon are highly desirable for players to obtain, especially in alternate “shiny” colours. However, shiny Koraidon is being distributed illegally by hackers. This has sparked discussion around the risks and ethics of using hacked Pokémon.

How Shiny Koraidon is Being Hacked into the Games

Shortly after launch, players began using codes and mods to spawn shiny versions of Koraidon directly into the overworld and raid battles. Some players encounter these hacked shinies accidentally through random co-op matches.

The Allure and Risks of Catching Shiny Koraidon

For many players, the chance to catch a rare shiny legendary Pokémon like Koraidon is extremely tempting. However, these hacked shinies are considered “illegal” by the Pokémon Company. Getting caught with one could result in being banned from online play or losing access to Pokémon Home.

How the Pokémon Company Handles Hacked Shiny Koraidon

According to their statements, the Pokémon Company primarily targets distributors of illegal Pokémon rather than individual recipients. Still, players caught with hacked shinies during periodic ban waves can face the consequences.

Everything you NEED to know about Shiny Koraidon & Shiny Miraidon

The Ongoing Debate Among Fans

While many players have held onto shiny hacked legendaries for years without issue, others argue it promotes an unfair advantage. Ultimately, each player must weigh if the low ban risk is worth violating the Pokémon Company’s rules.

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The controversy around hacking shiny Pokémon like Koraidon into Scarlet and Violet highlights the importance of playing safely and legitimately. While the allure is understandable, obeying the Pokémon Company’s terms of use ensures the longevity and integrity of the games.

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