The Necluda Sky Crystal: Completing the Quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is packed with exciting side quests that reward exploration. One of these quests involves finding and returning a missing crystal to unlock the Kumamayn Shrine in the Necluda Sky region. This handy guide will walk you through how to complete the Necluda Sky Crystal quest step-by-step.

Starting the Quest

To begin the quest, you first need to find the Kumamayn Shrine location. It’s in the Necluda Sky Archipelago at coordinates 2856, -2858, 1212. Go up to the shrine pedestal and interact with it to activate the “East Necluda Sky Crystal” quest. You’ll see a beam of light shooting out that shows you where the crystal is.

Getting the Crystal

Follow the beam of light to a nearby circular island arena. Here you’ll find the crystal, but it’s attached to a tough boss called Flux Construct III. You can choose to defeat the boss in an epic battle, or sneakily steal the crystal when its back is turned.

Either way, once you’ve got the crystal, head back to the small island with the prebuilt launcher.

Returning the Crystal

This launcher device is key to getting the crystal back over to the shrine island. Carefully adjust the angle so it will arc the crystal over to the shrine’s island.

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It may take a couple tries to get the angle just right. Once you do, launch the crystal first, then use the device to launch yourself over as well.

Completing the Shrine

Finally, take the crystal to the shrine pedestal to complete the quest. You’ll get a sweet animation showing the crystal absorbed into the shrine.

Now you can head inside the Kumamayn Shrine and open the chest to claim the awesome Zonaite Bow. Don’t forget to pray at the monk statue for that handy Light of Blessing too.

Why Complete This Quest?

Finishing this side quest lets you unlock fast travel for the shrine, as well as netting you useful rewards. It also progresses the storyline and helps open up more of the game world.

The Necluda Sky Crystal quest is a fun challenge, so be sure to add it to your Zelda adventure checklist!

The Necluda Sky Crystal Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Where do I find the Kumamayn Shrine?

The shrine is located in the Necluda Sky Archipelago at coordinates 2856, -2858, 1212. You’ll need to get into the sky region first from the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower.

What rewards do you get for the quest?

Completing the quest gets you the Zonaite Bow from the shrine chest, plus a Light of Blessing from praying at the monk statue inside. These are very useful for progression.

Do I have to fight the Flux Construct III boss?

No, you can sneak around and steal the crystal without engaging the boss if you prefer. Fighting it does give you some useful item drops though.

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Any tips for calibrating the launcher angle?

Start with a low angle and slowly adjust it higher. Go for too high of an angle so the crystal overshoots the island, then dial it back. Have plenty of stamina for gliding!


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is packed with rewarding side quests to find. Completing the Necluda Sky Crystal quest unlocks fast travel, useful items, and story progression. Hopefully this guide has given you the steps to easily complete this cool sky island challenge for yourself!

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