How to Fix Mafia Definitive Edition Keeps Crashing and Get It Running Smoothly?

Pulling your hair out from Mafia: Definitive Edition crashing all the time? We feel you. Few gamer headaches are worse than trying to immerse yourself in a great game, only for it to freeze and quit over and over. But take heart – this handy guide will show you how to troubleshoot those pesky crashes step-by-step so you can get back to making the family business in Lost Heaven.

Ensure Your PC Meets Minimum System Requirements

Before trying anything else, make absolutely sure your computer meets the minimum requirements to run Mafia: Definitive Edition properly. Here’s what you’ll need under the hood:

  • CPU: Intel Core-i5 2550K 3.4GHz or AMD FX 8120 3.1GHz
  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 6GB
  • Storage: 45GB free space
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
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Ensure Your PC Meets Minimum System Requirements

Having outdated or underpowered hardware is one of the most common reasons games crash, so give your rig a quick inspection first. Trying to run Mafia DE on an old machine practically guarantees stability issues.

Update Your Graphics Drivers

If your system passes inspection, next make sure your graphics drivers are totally up-to-date. Outdated GPU drivers are notorious for causing crashes across all games, so hit up Nvidia or AMD’s website and grab the latest!

Verify the Integrity of Game Files

Corrupted or missing files can also lead to instability. Use Steam’s ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option to check for errors and re-download any corrupted bits. If you bought the game elsewhere, try uninstalling and reinstalling it fresh.

Launch Game as Administrator

Right-click the Mafia DE executable, select ‘Properties’, then enable the ‘Run as Administrator checkbox. This launches it with admin rights, which are often needed for troubleshooting.

Disable Overlays

Overlays provided by Steam, Discord, MSI Afterburner and the like can sometimes conflict with games and cause crashes. Temporarily disable any you have running in the background.

Close Background Apps and Disable Antivirus

Random crashes are often caused by other programs interfering while the game is running. Close any background apps you don’t need, and temporarily disable your antivirus to isolate Mafia DE.

Enable VSync, Disable Fullscreen Optimizations

Enabling VSync can help smooth out performance, and disabling fullscreen optimizations in the compatibility settings boosts stability. Worth a shot!

Use Windowed/Borderless Mode

Switch to windowed or borderless mode if you’re currently using fullscreen exclusive. Running games ‘fullscreen (windowed)’ is generally more stable.

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Clean Boot, Clean GPU Driver Install

Do a clean boot in Windows, then do a clean install of the latest GPU drivers to wipe out any OS and software conflicts.

Update Windows and Other Software

Keep Windows, drivers, frameworks like .NET, and everything else updated. Old OS and software installations are a recipe for crashes. Stay current!

Move the Game to SSD

If Mafia DE is installed on a mechanical hard drive, try moving it to an SSD for faster loading times and better stability.

Adjust In-Game Graphics Settings

No universal ‘best’ graphics settings exist, so tweak options like resolution, lighting quality, texture filtering etc. to find the optimal balance of eye candy and performance for your rig.

Reinstall Windows

If you’ve tried everything else with no luck, a completely clean OS install is the ultimate troubleshooting step, wiping out any problematic software or files.

Hopefully, with a few tweaks and troubleshooting steps, you’ll have Mafia: Definitive Edition running smoothly and crash-free. Let us know in the comments if you’re still having issues – we’ll try our best to help get you gaming!

Fix Mafia Definitive Edition Crashing and Low FPS


How can I prevent Mafia: Definitive Edition from crashing on startup?

Try launching the game directly from the executable file rather than through a launcher. Also, run the game as Administrator and add the exe to your antivirus exceptions list.

What should I do if verifying game files didn’t fix Mafia: Definitive Edition crashes?

If verifying didn’t work, try uninstalling and deleting the game directory completely, then reinstall fresh. This eliminates any corrupted files.

Mafia: Definitive Edition crashes even on the lowest settings. How can I troubleshoot?

On lower-end hardware, try lowering the resolution scale below 100%. This reduces the load for weak GPUs. Also close background programs and end overlay processes.

I upgraded to Windows 11 and now Mafia: Definitive Edition crashes constantly. Help?

Windows 11 currently has compatibility issues with many games. Try rolling back to Windows 10 until more stable Win 11 builds release.

Why does Mafia: Definitive Edition crash randomly during gameplay?

Random mid-game crashes are often caused by heat issues. Monitor your CPU/GPU temperatures and consider better cooling if overheating.


With some time and patience, you should be able to get Mafia: Definitive Edition running stable by finding the specific issue causing those pesky crashes. Just work through all the troubleshooting steps methodically. Don’t forget to keep your Windows installation, drivers, frameworks and BIOS updated, install games on an SSD, and monitor your temperatures. We hope these tips let you enjoy Lost Heaven to the fullest once again!

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