How to Fix FPS Drops, Stuttering & Lag in Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is an intense tactical shooter that requires quick reflexes and pinpoint accuracy. Nothing is more frustrating than FPS drops, stuttering and lag disrupting your performance.

If you’re a casual R6 player experiencing performance issues, this guide will help you optimize the game and get smooth FPS even on a low-end PC.

Key Takeaways

  • FPS drops in Siege can be caused by hardware limitations, software conflicts, network issues etc.
  • Start by lowering graphic settings and capping your FPS to match hardware capabilities.
  • Update drivers, close background apps and tweak Windows settings for performance boost.
  • Try Ethernet for reliable low-latency network connection. Forward necessary ports.
  • Repair game files and reinstall as a last resort if above fixes don’t work.
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Why Does FPS Drop in Rainbow Six Siege?

There can be various reasons behind FPS drops, stuttering and lag in Rainbow Six Siege:

Hardware Limitations

If your PC specs are below the minimum requirements, Siege will struggle to run smoothly. FPS drops frequently occur on low-end CPUs or GPUs.

Graphics Settings Too High

The game visuals are quite demanding. Setting the graphics options higher than your hardware can handle will tank your FPS.

Background Apps/Processes

Too many programs running in the background take up RAM and CPU cores needed for optimal game performance.

Software Conflicts

Outdated drivers, Windows issues or interference from overlays/antivirus can negatively impact FPS.

Network Connection

Ping spikes, packet loss and lag over WiFi or mobile hotspots cause stuttering and rubber-banding.

Damaged/Corrupted Game Files

Problems with installed game files leads to hitches, crashes and performance degradation.

Optimize Rainbow Six Siege Settings

Start troubleshooting by optimizing R6 graphics and gameplay settings based on your PC’s capabilities:

Use Benchmark to Find Ideal Settings

The in-built benchmark in Graphics menu runs a quick performance test of your hardware. It reports average FPS your PC can handle.

Set graphics to Medium or Low if you get less than 60 FPS. Adjust individual options like Shadows, Textures and Anti-aliasing for best performance/quality balance.

Lock FPS Below Monitor’s Refresh Rate

Enable FPS limit in Display settings. Set max value to 3x your monitor’s refresh rate (fps cap = 3x refresh rate).

Capping frame rate reduces stuttering and screen tearing on 60Hz monitors.

Disable VSync and Max Out Frames

Turn off VSync in Display settings to minimize input lag. With FPS uncapped, frames will only be limited by hardware power.

  • Caution: Screen tearing can occur without VSync. Enable if it bothers you.

Close All Background Apps

Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to open Task Manager. Select CPU tab and end tasks for any unimportant background processes and apps.

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Freeing up CPU cores and RAM will give Rainbow Six Siege the system resources it needs to run smoothly.

Update Drivers and Install Windows Updates

Outdated drivers and unpatched Windows issues can negatively impact gaming performance.

Update Graphics Drivers

Use Device Manager to check your GPU model. Go to manufacturer website and download latest driver.

Nvidia Drivers:

AMD Drivers:

  • Use Display Driver Uninstaller before installing GPU drivers.

Update Other Drivers

You can also update components like CPU, motherboard and networking drivers for potential performance gains.

Install All Pending Windows Updates

Open Windows Update settings and click Check for Updates. Install all updates, especially those marked important.

Updating Windows and drivers can fix many underlying problems that affect FPS.

Tweak Windows 10/11 for Gaming

Changing some default Windows settings can free up resources and boost gaming performance:

Disable Game Bar, Game DVR and Game Mode

These features can negatively impact FPS or cause stutters in games.

Turn OffGPU Scheduling

Helps reduce micro-stutters on Nvidia GPUs. Keep enabled for AMD.

Disable Fullscreen Optimizations

Reduces input lag and stuttering issues caused by this Windows feature.

Switch Power Plan to High Performance

Maximizes CPU speed and power to system components for best FPS.

Improve Network Connection

Network issues manifest as rubber-banding, teleporting and lag in online games like Siege:

Connect PC via Ethernet

Far more stable than WiFi with consistent low ping and zero packet loss. Hardwire PC if possible.

Forward Ports for Rainbow Six Siege

Open UDP ports 6000-9999 on your router to prioritize Siege traffic. Reduces latency and lag spikes.

Test Connection for Packet Loss

Use Looking Glass tools to check for packet loss between your PC and game servers. Contact ISP if issue found.

Limit Bandwidth-Intensive Tasks

Pause software updates, streaming, downloads etc while playing online games. Helps reduce ping and lag.

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Repair/Reinstall Rainbow Six Siege

If above fixes don’t work, try repairing game files or clean reinstall as a last resort:

Verify Game Files

Use Uplay/Steam client to scan for corrupted files. Repair option will re-download missing/damaged files.

Clean Reinstall the Game

Uninstall Rainbow Six Siege. UseCleaner tool like CCleaner to wipe leftover registry files and folders. Reinstall game fresh.

Reinstalling will eliminate any lingering software conflicts or glitches causing performance problems.


Can a weak CPU cause FPS drops in Rainbow Six Siege?

Yes, Siege is fairly CPU-intensive. An older or low-end CPU often struggles to deliver smooth high FPS during action scenes. Upgrading your CPU will help significantly.

Will more RAM fix stuttering and lag?

Insufficient RAM can cause intermittent stutters but isn’t directly linked to persistent FPS issues or lag. Close background apps and upgrade RAM if below 8GB.

Why is my FPS low even on Medium settings?

If your PC barely meets minimum requirements, FPS will still be low on Medium. Try 1280×720 resolution and Lowest settings. Upgrade outdated components for better experience.

How much FPS is good for Rainbow Six Siege?

60 FPS is recommended for smooth competitive play. Higher is better, with pros using 144+ FPS monitors. If FPS is constantly dropping below 60, further optimization is needed.

Will changing texture quality increase FPS?

Lowering texture quality reduces VRAM usage for a minor FPS boost. Lower shadow quality has a bigger impact. Use Benchmark to test different settings.


FPS drops and stuttering can ruin your Siege experience but are often fixable. Start with simple software-side tweaks like updating drivers and lowering graphic settings. Test different combinations to find your PC’s sweet spot.

Invest in hardware upgrades like a new GPU if playing on Medium/Low settings and you still face FPS issues. Smooth high FPS lets you take full advantage of Rainbow Six Siege’s tactical gunplay.

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