How to Fix Destiny 2 Adding Kindling Bug?

Listen up, Guardians. If you’ve been tearing your hair out dealing with the “adding kindling” bug during Solstice 2022 in Destiny 2, this guide is gonna throw you a lifeline.

I’ll walk you through everything we know about the issue and lay out some troubleshooting tips to try and squash it. No promises of a magical instant fix, but these methods should help you work around it and get back to collecting that juicy solstice loot. Let’s dive in!

What Exactly is the Adding Kindling Bug?

In case you’ve been living under a Hive tomb on the moon…the adding kindling bug is a pesky issue affecting a ton of players during this year’s Solstice event.

Here’s a quick recap of how Solstice works: you earn silver ash by completing event activities, use it to upgrade your solstice armor, unlock armor glows, and so on. But the bug causes a permanent “adding kindling” prompt to appear on your HUD, even after you’ve fully upgraded your gear.

For example, one player reported finishing the armor upgrades on their Hunter main character. But then when they logged into their Warlock alt who hadn’t started the event yet, the annoying “adding kindling” message popped up and wouldn’t go away!

This overlay sticks around for the entire three week event, blocking your UI and generally being a pain. It seems to happen when you earn enough kindling on one character to fully upgrade your solstice set, then acquire the quest on additional characters.

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So let’s break this puppy down and look at some potential fixes, shall we?

Step 1: Update Destiny 2 and Restart

Before you panic, try the usual troubleshooting routine first. Make sure Destiny 2 is completely updated with the latest patches. You can check for updates through the platform store on console, or via Steam/ on PC.

Once it’s updated, close out of Destiny 2 and restart the application. This can clear up basic glitches and is worth a shot. Cross those fingers that it magically disappears!

Step 2: Verify Your Game Files (PC Only)

If you’re on PC, take an extra step and verify your game files through Steam or This scans your game installation and replaces any missing or corrupted files.

Sometimes bugs persist due to something funky in the game data itself. Verifying should sort that out. Just takes a few minutes too.

Step 3: Check Bungie’s Server Status Page

While likely not the culprit, it doesn’t hurt to visit Bungie’s server status page real quick. Make sure they aren’t experiencing networking issues or service outages related to the bug.

If the status shows all clear, at least you can rule out problems on Bungie’s end. Time to dig deeper into your own game client.

Step 4: Search Bungie’s Forums and Help Articles

Next, turn to the Bungie community itself and see if anyone else is reporting the same issue. Check Bungie’s forums, their help knowledgebase, Reddit, and anywhere players are discussing the game.

If it’s a widespread bug, you can bet there will be a bunch of complaints and reports, like the megathread on Reddit with 500 upvotes about it! More importantly, you might find posts from players who have discovered workarounds while waiting for an official fix. Make note of any tips that look promising.

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Step 5: Contact Bungie Customer Support

If you’ve struck out on your own fixing the adding kindling prompt, bring in the professionals. Reach out to Bungie’s customer support team directly via their help site.

Explain what’s happening, when it started, what troubleshooting you’ve tried already, and ask if they have any other suggested steps. They may be able to provide specialized help or escalate the issue.

Step 6: Avoid Starting the Quest on Extra Characters

Alright, time to dig into what’s actually causing this bug. After researching all the player reports, it seems related to completing the Solstice quest on one character, then picking it up on additional characters.

The kindling you earn is account-wide, but the quest itself doesn’t seem to recognize that properly. So if you max out your kindling on your main character, then grab the quest on an alt, it bugs out and sticks you in an incomplete state.

To avoid this, don’t start the Solstice quest line on any extra characters if you’ve already finished it on your main and collected all available kindling. Just focus on finishing it on one first.

How to Add Kindling to Armor - Celebrating Solstice Quest - Destiny 2 Solstice Event 2023

Step 7: Use Workarounds Suggested by Players

While waiting for Bungie to hopefully fix this thing permanently, Destiny players have suggested some workarounds to temporarily resolve it:

  • Abandon the quest and reacquire it from the Quest Archive in the Tower. When Eva gives you the armor, back out and don’t accept it.
  • Join an EAZ activity when prompted to visit Eva. Back out of her silver leaves instead of claiming them.
  • Reset the quest but do NOT pick up replacement armor from Eva after resetting it.

These seem to clear the bug until you progress the quest or armor upgrade steps again. It buys you time to keep grinding Solstice at least!

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Step 8: Equip Your Best Bug-Squashing Ghost Shell

Alright, this last tip won’t actually fix the bug itself. But it will make your Solstice armor grinding more efficient in the meantime!

Be sure to equip a Ghost shell with perks like Guiding Light and Speed Demon to boost your XP gains. This will help you upgrade your non-bugged characters faster.

Every little bit counts when you’re working around this pesky adding kindling issue!

Waiting Patiently for Bungie to Squash This Bug

So there you have it, folks. The key facts about the Destiny 2 adding kindling bug and some suggested workarounds while we wait for Bungie to address it.

The Destiny community collectively has its fingers crossed for a hotfix ASAP. But at least these tips will get you back to enjoying the rest of Solstice, earning those sweet armor glows, and claiming triumphs.

It’s definitely frustrating when an unintended glitch puts a damper on the fun during what’s supposed to be a lighthearted in-game holiday. But them’s the breaks sometimes in big evolving shared-world games. Not everything can be perfectly tested.

PSA: Don't Be An Idiot Like Me! Make Sure You Do This Before Kindling Any Armor | Destiny 2 Solstice

Hopefully Bungie will provide some transparency about the issue and what they’re doing to squash it. We know they’re investigating based on replies from their support team. So try to hang in there while they work out the kinks.

And remember, we always have options like taking a quick Destiny break, leveling up alts in the meantime, or even jumping into another game for a bit if it’s really aggravating you. The Solstice event runs for a few weeks, so you have time.

Now get out there, Guardians. Bake those tasty solstice treats for Eva. Fan those flames of competition in the EAZ. And give the Darkness a swift kick in the cinders for trying to ruin everyone’s fun with pesky bugs! We’ll overcome this glitch together.

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