High On Life Save File Location [How To Find] Where is it?

High on Life is the hilarious new first-person shooter taking gamers by storm. But if you want to back up your progress or transfer saves between platforms, you’ll need to locate the saved files on your Windows PC first. Don’t worry, this guide’s got you covered on where to find them.

Save File Locations

Here’s where you can find your High on Life save files depending on where you purchased the game:

  • Steam or Other Store Purchases: Your saves will be under C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Oregon\Saved\SaveGames\
  • Xbox Game Pass Version: For the Game Pass edition, saves are stored in C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\2637SquanchGamesInc.HighonLife_mh7dg3tfmz2cj\SystemAppData\wgs\<your user ID>\

Now, the AppData folder is hidden by default, so you’ll need to unhide hidden files and folders before you can access it.

Also, keep in mind that the saved files may be encrypted or synced to the cloud only. This can prevent accessing them locally on your PC.

Transferring Save Files Between Platforms

Some gamers have reported being able to transfer High on Life saves between platforms by finding the encrypted save file folder and renaming the files to match their save on the other platform.

However, success seems to vary by game, so this workaround isn’t guaranteed.

Using cloud syncing services like Steam Cloud or Xbox Cloud will be the most reliable way to move your saves between platforms. But even with cloud syncing, local save file copies are still created that you may be able to access using the file locations mentioned above.

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Tweaking Settings with Config Files

In addition to your save files, High on Life also stores configurable text files under C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Oregon\Saved\Config\WinGDK\

These config files allow you to manually tweak graphics settings and other options by editing the values they contain. Just be sure to back up the files first in case things go wrong!

High On Life: Where Is The Save Game & Config Files Located On PC (Steam & Game Pass)


Can I transfer my saves from Xbox Game Pass to Steam?

Yes, using Xbox Cloud you should be able to sync your saves across platforms. Or you may be able to finds saves locally and rename them.

How can I back up my save files?

Copy the save files from the AppData folders mentioned above to another location like cloud storage or an external hard drive.

Why can’t I find the AppData folder?

You’ll need to unhide hidden files and folders first since AppData is hidden by default.


Finding your High on Life save files and configs on Windows can take a bit of digging, but now you know where to look. Cloud syncing or renaming encrypted files offers the best way to transfer progress between platforms. And editing config files open up settings customization.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other questions about locating your High on Life data!

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