How To Fix Epic Games Verifying Stuck? [Guide]

Having issues with Epic Games verification getting stuck? Don’t sweat it, this handy guide’s got ya covered. We’ll walk you through some troubleshooting steps to get Epic launching games again in no time.

Check System Status

Before doing anything else, check if the problems on Epic’s end. Head to the Epic Games server status page and see if there are any outages or issues reported. If so, you’ll just have to hang tight until things are back up and running.

Update Launcher and Drivers

If the servers check out, next make sure your Launcher and drivers are up-to-date. get the latest Epic Games Launcher version, and update your graphics card drivers as well. Running an outdated Launcher or graphics drivers can sometimes cause verification to go haywire.

Meet System Requirements

You’ll wanna ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements to operate the Launcher smoothly. If your PC’s hardware is below par, it could struggle with verifying game files. Check the reqs and consider any necessary upgrades.

Tweak Launcher Settings

Try disabling fullscreen optimizations for the Epic Games Launcher executable file. You can also try running the Launcher itself as an administrator. Tweaking these settings might help get verification unstuck.

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Clear Cache

Clearing out old cached Launcher data can work wonders too. Delete the web cache folders located in the Epic Games Launcher directory on your computer. Once deleted, the Launcher will rebuild a fresh cache as needed.

Reinstall Launcher

If all else fails, completely uninstall and then reinstall the Epic Games Launcher. This nuclear option will wipe all cached data and games, forcing a clean slate.

Check Hard Drive Health

Faulty hard drives can muck up verification. If possible, try installing games on a different hard drive and see if that helps. Might be a sign your main drive is failing.

Use Alternate Launcher

Third-party launchers like Legendary can also install and run Epic games. Give one a shot as a workaround if the main Launcher is being stubborn.

Be Patient

Lastly, hang in there and give verification time to complete. It may seem stuck but could just be working away slowly in the background. Let it run for a good while before killing the process.

How to fix Epic Games Launcher stuck at Verifying! 100% Working!


Why does Epic Games verification get stuck?

This is usually caused by an issue with the Launcher itself, graphics drivers, system requirements, or hard drive problems. Outages can also stall verification.

How long should I wait for verification to unstick?

Give it at least several hours if possible. While frustrating, verification can take a while to complete at times.

Will reinstalling the Launcher cause me to lose games?

Unfortunately yes, a full reinstall will wipe all cached Launcher data and installed games. Be sure to try less invasive fixes first.

What are some alternate launchers I can use?

Legendary is a popular open-source launcher capable of installing and running Epic games. Lutris is another option worth looking into.


Stuck verification can be a thorn in one’s side, but hopefully, this guide has given you some troubleshooting ammo. Take the steps outlined here and you should get back to flawless Epic game launching again soon. Don’t hesitate to contact Epic Games’ customer support if all else fails. They may be able to further diagnose and resolve the issue. Godspeed!

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