Destiny 2 Impact Induction Disabled: Bungie Disables Crucial Mods Due to Game-Breaking Bug

Bungie recently made the controversial decision to disable several of Destiny 2’s most popular armor mods, including Impact Induction. This was done to combat an exploit that allowed players to gain infinite ability energy, completely breaking the game balance. For many Destiny 2 players, these mods are core parts of their builds and playstyles. Their removal has sparked frustration and distrust in the increasingly unstable game.

The Game-Breaking Exploit That Caused This

The disabled mods – Impact Induction, Momentum Transfer, Focusing Strike, and Bolstering Detonation – were being used in an exploit that gave players unlimited melee, grenade, and super energy. By rapidly swapping gauntlets with different mods, players could repeatedly trigger their effects to regain all ability energy instantly. With this exploit, hausarbeit schreiben lassen erfahrung all ability cooldowns were negligible. You could have your super charged every few seconds.

This is obviously an extremely broken interaction that needed to be addressed. In a complicated game like Destiny 2, issues like this inevitably crop up. But the frequency of major bugs and exploits slipping through the cracks lately has been alarming.

Bungie likely moved quickly to disable the mods before this exploit became widespread. Had it become well-known in the playerbase, it could have wreaked havoc on competitive modes like Trials of Osiris or Grandmaster Nightfalls where loadouts are locked. So in that sense, Bungie’s swift action protected the integrity of the game.

However, the fact that bugs of this magnitude keep appearing points to deficiencies in Bungie’s testing and QA processes before patches go live. Players are rapidly losing faith that the studio is staying on top of Destiny 2’s stability.

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Why This Hurts Gameplay So Much

These mods being disabled wouldn’t be a big deal if they were niche options only used by a small subset of players. But in reality, they are core parts of many of the game’s popular builds. Mods like Impact Induction speed up ability regeneration to enable entire playstyles.

For example, Titan builds focused around chaining melee abilities rely on Impact Induction’s melee hits reducing grenade cooldowns. Without it, this loop grinds to a halt. Players have invested countless hours perfecting builds, only to have them suddenly invalidated overnight.

Warlock mains are also reporting their Stormcaller and Voidwalker builds being gutted by the removal of Impact Induction and Momentum Transfer. And Hunters using Focusing Strike for knife juggling builds have been similarly left out in the cold.

The timing makes it even worse. This mod disable came right as Destiny 2 launched its annual Solstice event. This event features a lengthy grind to earn all the new armor glows, titles, and other rewards. Being unable to use certain mods will significantly slow down this grind for many players.

Those pursuing end-game activities like raid challenges and Grandmaster Nightfalls will also feel these effects. Having your toolkit limited right as difficult content releases is frustrating, to say the least.

Players Frustrated By Constant Bugs and Disables

This mod disable is just the latest issue in a string of problems plaguing Destiny 2 recently. Earlier in July, Bungie preemptively disabled the popular Utility Kickstart mod due to another exploit. And that mod is still disabled weeks later.

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Between exploit fixes, unintended mechanic changes, and outright bugs, it feels like something is always broken. Players are growing increasingly frustrated with logging in to find parts of their builds suddenly unusable ghostwriter. The constant instability makes it difficult to trust the game.

As oneplayer put it: “I just crafted this amazing build that took me weeks to perfect, and overnight Bungie pulled the rug out from under me. I’m tired of the constant bugs and disables breaking my favorite parts of the game.”

Bungie needs to take a long look at their development pipeline and QA testing policies. Rather than reacting to issues, they should focus on more robust processes to prevent them. If a small mod interaction can break the game this severely, it’s a bad sign for the overall code integrity.

When Will These Crucial Mods Return?

The big question is: how long will players need to go without these essential mods? Bungie has not provided an ETA for when Impact Induction or the other disabled mods will be re-enabled.

Looking at past issues gives some indication. As mentioned, the Utility Kickstart mod has been disabled for over 2 weeks now due to a similar exploit. Bungie will likely take their time to ensure the new issues are properly addressed before bringing the mods back.

But players are hopeful the studio recognizes how vital these mods are for builds. The longer they are unavailable, the more it will hurt engagement. Bungie needs to balance solving the exploits with restoring core gameplay functionality that keeps players invested.

Can Bungie Regain Trust and Stability?

This mod disable has come at an already precarious time for Destiny 2. Players’ confidence in the game was shaken after a lackluster launch of the Lightfall expansion campaign. Bugs and performance issues have also surged since the expansion released.

Bungie has built up a lot of goodwill with fans over the years. But that reservoir of trust is starting to run dry in the face of constant instability. Players want to love Destiny 2, but the game makes it difficult lately.

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Hopefully Bungie can chart a course correct soon. They need to stabilize Lightfall and ensure no more cornerstone mechanics get disabled. If bugs keep creeping in and exploits appear each week, the playerbase’s frustration will only grow.

The developers at Bungie are surely talented and want the best for Destiny 2. But major changes to processes and testing may be needed at this stage. Players are ready for Destiny 2 to enter a new era of reliability worthy of its pedigree. Disabling essential mods is a symptom of larger issues Bungie needs to address head-on.



Which mods did Bungie disable in Destiny 2?

Bungie disabled four mods: Impact Induction, Momentum Transfer, Schlüsseldienst Berlin Focusing Strike, and Bolstering Detonation.

Why were these mods disabled?

They were disabled to combat an exploit allowing infinite ability energy. Players could trigger this by rapidly swapping gauntlets with certain mods.

How does this hurt Destiny 2 gameplay?

These mods are core parts of many popular builds and playstyles. Losing them severely limits viable loadouts, gutting functionality many players rely on.

When will the disabled mods return?

Bungie has not provided an ETA. The Utility Kickstart mod has been disabled for over 2 weeks due to a similar exploit. It may take some time.

What does this mean for Destiny 2 going forward?

Frequent bugs and disables are eroding player trust. Bungie needs to stabilize Lightfall and focus on more robust testing before patches go live.


The Impact Induction mod disable highlights some troubling trends in Destiny 2’s stability and Bungie’s processes lately. Core mechanics randomly being removed hurts the player experience a great deal. With the Lightfall expansion also struggling with bugs, Bungie needs to regain trust in their ability to maintain Destiny 2 integrity. Players hope these vital mods can be re-enabled soon and that proactive improvements can be made going forward. Destabilizing Destiny 2’s core gameplay loop risks alienating its loyal fans.

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