Is Mafia 3 Definitive Edition Worth It? [Review]

Mafia 3 Definitive Edition has sparked some mixed reviews among fans of the popular open-world action series. This definitive edition includes all the DLC and additional content from the original Mafia 3 game, providing players with the full experience in one package. But is it worth picking up? Let’s take a closer look at what this controversial sequel has to offer.

An Addictive Yet Repetitive Gameplay Loop

The core gameplay loop of taking over districts in Mafia 3 can be incredibly addictive yet painfully repetitive at times. You’ll find yourself doing the same handful of missions over and over again to damage rackets and lure out their leaders.

While the shooting and stealth combat is solid, the grind to methodically take over each district gets old fast. If you don’t mind repetitive gameplay loops, you may enjoy the power fantasy of dismantling the mob’s operations. But for some, the monotony is a major drawback.

Is Mafia 3 Definitive Edition Worth It

An Immersive Story Set in 1960s New Orleans

Where Mafia 3 shines brightest is in its narrative and phenomenal setting. Protagonist Lincoln Clay has a compelling backstory, and the tale of revenge against the Italian mob is gripping and atmospheric. The 1960s New Orleans setting is spectacularly realized, with each district having a unique flavour.

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From the bayou to French Ward to suburban neighbourhoods, the diverse locales truly bring this intriguing time period to life. Fans of strong stories and interesting characters will find lots to love here.

Technical Hiccups and Optimization Issues

Sadly, Mafia 3’s technical aspects leave something to be desired. There are noticeable frame rate hitches and bugs across platforms. The PC version in particular suffers from occasionally poor optimization. For a modern AAA game, it’s disappointing to experience these immersion-breaking technical problems. Patches have improved things, but there are still rougher edges than expected.

An Open World Lacking Interactive Depth

As an open-world game, Mafia 3 nails the ambience but comes up short on truly interactive depth. The world is stunning to explore visually yet feels hollow at times. You can’t interact with the environment or NPCs in meaningful ways. When comparing the open-world gameplay to similar games like GTA and Red Dead Redemption, Mafia 3’s limitations become apparent. Still, as a backdrop for the story, the open world works wonderfully. Just don’t expect a bustling sandbox brimming with activities.

Reviews Run Hot and Cold

Fan reception to Mafia 3 has been mixed, with some players finding the repetitive missions unforgivingly boring. Others don’t mind the grind and appreciate the story and characters enough to look past the gameplay loop shortcomings. Reviews tend to agree that while not perfect, it can still provide dozens of hours of solid open-world action, especially for fans of the franchise eager to continue the Mafia saga.

Worth Playing for the Story

When bought at a discount, Mafia 3 is arguably worth playing just for the excellent narrative and acting. The characters come alive thanks to impressive facial animations and writing. And the tale of Lincoln seeking revenge is dripping with drama and intrigue. Since the Definitive Edition includes all DLC expansions, that’s easily 30+ hours of story content for fans to enjoy. Just be prepared for the repetitive open-world activities required to progress through districts.

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A Different Animal Than Mafia 1 and 2

Long-time Mafia fans will notice that Mafia 3 has a very different tone and structure than the previous two entries. The narrative goes in its own direction away from the Italian mob-centred stories of before. And the open-world gameplay replaces the more linear missions and levels of earlier games. This means franchise veterans may be disappointed by the major changes even though Mafia 3 brings its own flavour to the series.

Mods Can Help on PC

For players frustrated with the repetitive grind or optimization issues on PC, mods can help improve aspects of the experience. From faster district takeovers to visual enhancements and bug fixes, user-created mods help reduce annoyances. Just know that mods disable achievements, so console gamers unfortunately can’t take advantage of these community tweaks.

Is It Worth Buying?

Overall, Mafia 3 Definitive Edition is a mixed bag that will strongly appeal to some players while leaving others cold. If you want a gripping story and can tolerate repetitive open-world gameplay, grab it on sale. The narrative, characters, and 1960s New Orleans setting are compelling enough to warrant playing through the grind. But technical issues and uninspired missions may disappoint those expecting more polish and interactivity.

Approach with an open mind and treat it as its own separate story in the Mafia universe rather than a direct follow-up. If you go in expecting more of the same, you’ll likely be let down. But take Mafia 3 on its own merits, and you just may become engrossed in this brutal revenge tale.

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Is Mafia 3 Worth Buying in 2020? - Definitive Edition REVIEW


Should I play Mafia 1 and 2 first?

It’s not required, as Mafia 3 stands on its own. But you’ll appreciate the cameos and connections more if you play the earlier games first.

How long does it take to beat Mafia 3?

Around 25-30 hours for just the main story. Closer to 50 if you complete all side content and DLC.

Is Mafia 3 still buggy?

It’s improved with patches but some bugs still persist. The Definitive Edition runs better than the original release.

Is Mafia 3 cross-platform multiplayer?

No, there is no multiplayer in Mafia 3, only single-player.

Should I play on a PC or console?

PC offers mods to improve aspects but has a higher potential for technical issues. Consoles have fewer optimization problems if your PC isn’t powerful.


Mafia 3 Definitive Edition offers a gripping revenge story that truly embraces the spirit of 1968 New Orleans. But repetitive missions, lackluster open-world design, and some lingering bugs prevent it from reaching its full potential. Yet with tempered expectations, it’s available cheaply enough now to warrant playing for the excellent narrative and characters. Just be prepared for an experience that emphasizes story over interactivity, and you may find enough redeeming qualities in this flawed but enjoyable entry into the Mafia franchise.

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