Modern Warfare 2 New Movement Systems l New Gameplay

In Modern Warfare II, Infinity Ward is introducing several new features and mechanics to enhance the gameplay experience. One of these additions is the ability to perform wall-climbing manoeuvres.

Modern Warfare 2 New Movement Systems

Players will have the option to vertically clamber up walls, and the success of this action will depend on the height of the platform they are trying to reach and mount.


Another new mechanic is ledge-hanging, which allows players to hang off and grab onto ledges. This feature enables players to access otherwise inaccessible platforms, adding a new dimension to the gameplay.

Ledge-hanging also offers the benefit of reducing fall damage, and players will even be able to use their sidearm while hanging from ledges, providing them with tactical advantages.

New Movement System - Modern Warfare II

Sliding Mechanic

The sliding mechanic has undergone revisions in Modern Warfare II. Players now have the ability to slide into a prone position, providing them with additional manoeuvrability options.

Sliding can be performed not only on flat surfaces but also down angled inclines and slopes, further enhancing the fluidity of movement during gameplay.


Additionally, bunny-hopping has been introduced as a dynamic movement mechanic that depends on the height from which a player falls. The greater the height of the fall, the more speed boost players will gain upon executing a bunny hop.

This mechanic adds a skill-based element to movement and allows players to traverse the environment with agility and speed.

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With these new features and mechanics, Infinity Ward aims to create a fresh and engaging experience in Modern Warfare II.


Players can look forward to exploring the verticality of maps, utilizing ledge-hanging for strategic advantages, sliding into prone positions for quick manoeuvres, and mastering bunny-hopping to enhance their mobility and speed.


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