What Is The Warface Hardest Mission? [Sunrise-Cold Peak]

  • The hardest Warface missions require skill, strategy, and teamwork to complete.
  • The most difficult Warface missions based on the community’s experience are Sunrise, Black Shark, Cyber Horde, Blackout, Mars, Cold Peak, and Hydra.
  • Mission difficulty depends on factors like length, enemy types, boss battles, survival segments, and more.
  • With practice and communication, players can overcome Warface’s toughest challenges.

Warface offers a wide variety of PvE missions, from short and straightforward to lengthy and incredibly challenging. For skilled teams willing to take on the game’s hardest content, certain missions stand out for their intense difficulty. Here’s an in-depth look at the absolute hardest PvE missions in Warface and what makes them so difficult to complete.

What Makes a Warface Mission Hard?

Not all Warface missions are created equal when it comes to difficulty. Several factors determine how straightforward or challenging a PvE operation will be:

  • Length – Longer missions with more objectives typically increase the difficulty overall. Short missions can be completed quickly, while marathon multi-stage operations require sustained focus.
  • Enemy Composition – Fighting agile cyborgs or armored heavies is harder than basic infantry. Mixing distinct enemy types also increases the challenge.
  • Boss Fights – Major boss battles, especially ones with short time limits, can roadblock progress. Bosses with high HP and strong attacks require strategy.
  • Survival Segments – Holding out against endless waves of enemies tests endurance and resource management. These segments gate progress until completed.
  • Map Design – Large multi-level maps with long sightlines for enemies up the ante. Complex navigation also complicates objectives.
  • Team Coordination – Communication and teamwork are musts for Warface’s toughest content. Lone wolf approaches spell disaster.

With these factors in mind, Warface’s most difficult missions truly test a squad’s skill, adaptability, and determination. Let’s look at the top contenders for the hardest PvE operations in Warface.


  • Length: Medium
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Shieldbearers, Snipers, SEDs
  • Boss Fights: Yes
  • Survival Segments: Yes
  • Map Design: Multi-level facility

Sunrise earns its name from the beautiful sunrise visible once this grueling mission is finally complete. Set in a large multi-level facility, Sunrise throws everything at players: swarms of enemies, timed survival holdouts, escort segments, and major boss fights.

The first major pain point is surviving against waves of shieldbearers while protecting an NPC. After escorting the NPC to safety, players have to defeat a minigun heavy trooper boss within 3 minutes.

The next challenge is securing a tower location against endless enemy spawns for 4 minutes. With no room for error, this tests a team’s damage output and resource management. Finally, facing off against a heavily armored SED boss puts the finishing touch on this painful but rewarding mission.

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Warface - Sunrise speedrun (hard) - 17:25 WR

Black Shark

  • Length: Medium
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Shieldbearers, Snipers, Shotgunners
  • Boss Fights: Yes
  • Survival Segments: No
  • Map Design: Interior warehouse

Black Shark takes place in a large multi-level warehouse complex filled with numerous enemy ambushes. The challenging parts are the boss battles against prototype mech walkers with insane firepower.

The first mech boss can dash quickly and decimate players caught out of cover. The final boss is even more dangerous, with homing missiles and deadly machine guns. Surviving these intense fights demands strategic positioning, focused fire, and rapid repositioning when the mechs rampage.

With swarms of enemies in between the major fights, Black Shark keeps the pressure on throughout. The prototypical endgame boss fight challenges make completing this mission an impressive feat.

Warface - Insane Black Shark as ENGINEER

Cyber Horde

  • Length: Short
  • Enemy Types: Cyberdogs, Suicide Drones
  • Boss Fights: No
  • Survival Segments: Yes
  • Map Design: Open urban area

While one of the shorter PvE operations, Cyber Horde ratchets up the difficulty with an unrelenting assault of exploding cyberdogs and aerial drones. Set in a small open-air section of a huge cybernetic research complex, Cyber Horde bombards players with self-destructing enemies in chaotic droves.

Fending off the endless hordes of aggressive AI is challenging enough. However, the final phase kicks things up a notch by unleashing suicide bomber drones from all directions. With minimal cover in the open-air environment, cyber hordes will quickly overwhelm any disorganized squad.

Warface Ps5 Cyber Horde Hard Trio (3 Zero Deaths)


  • Length: Medium
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Shotgunners, SEDs
  • Boss Fights: Yes
  • Survival Segments: No
  • Map Design: Multi-level industrial interior

Blackout keeps players on edge throughout this electronics factory mission. From navigating dimly lit stairs covered by snipers to assembling power generators while dodging shotgunners, Blackout mixes high stakes time-sensitive objectives with assaulting ambushes.

The most notorious difficulty spike is the final stage boss fight against a heavily armed SED trooper. With a strict 3 minute time limit, teams must give this minigun-wielding super soldier their undivided focus fire to have any chance of victory.

Warface - BLACKOUT NORMAL SOLO (1 player)


  • Length: Marathon
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Shieldbearers, Shotgunners, SEDs
  • Boss Fights: Yes
  • Survival Segments: No
  • Map Design: Multi-branching mining complex

As one of the longest PvE missions in Warface, Mars will test teams over the course of its multi-stage onslaught across a sprawling mining complex. Each section of Mars introduces new challenges to overcome.

Early on, teams must breach a bunker filled with flamethrower enemies. Later, they must plant explosives to collapse escape tunnels while avoiding shotgun ambushes. The mission culminates in an intense boss fight against a heavy SED trooper on a moving train platform.

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With so many objectives over such a long duration, Mars demands consistent teamwork and awareness. The finale on the train also requires tactical maneuvering and dodging skills to take down the SED boss.

Warface - HARD MARS Gameplay

Cold Peak

  • Length: Long
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Snipers, Shotgunners
  • Boss Fights: No
  • Survival Segments: Yes
  • Map Design: Multi-level mountain facility

Set inside a freezing mountainside research base, Cold Peak bombards players with enemies from the outset. Holding out against waves of hostiles in the early survival segment sets the pace. Working through the multi-tiered base’s claustrophobic halls and outdoor ice cliffs requires coordination under fire.

The most notorious section comes near the end. Players must deliver bags of explosives while dodging snipers and shotgunners. This culminates in a timed holdout where the squad must survive while avoiding the lethal blast radius. Everything in Cold Peak pressures players to perform under duress.

Warface Cold Peak Marathon


  • Length: Long
  • Enemy Types: Riflemen, Shieldbearers, Shotgunners, SEDs
  • Boss Fights: Yes
  • Survival Segments: No
  • Map Design: Multi-level rocket launch facility

Across a sprawling rocket launch complex, Hydra throws an onslaught of enemies at players while requiring them to complete objectives under time pressure. This begins with skirmishing through dense enemy forces to fuel up a rocket before the countdown expires.

Later, teams must breach a fortified bunker and download intel before exfiltrating. The final major challenge is destroying three missile truck launchers guarded by squads of shielded enemies, snipers, and SED troopers. This requires strategic coordination.

With its race against time format, Hydra keeps up a relentless pace. The lengthy mission length also tests endurance and consistency. Hydras diverse obstacles make it live up to its mythical multi-headed namesake.

Warface - Hydra Special Operation - FULL GAMEPLAY

What Makes These Missions So Hard?

While every Hard and Insane difficulty PvE mission in Warface poses a challenge, these operations consistently prove the most difficult based on community feedback. Here are the core reasons:

  • Sheer Length – Marathon missions like Mars test endurance, while short intense missions require total focus.
  • Enemy Diversity – Contending with explosives, shields, snipers, and SEDs at once is overwhelming.
  • Timed Objectives – Maps with tight windows for completing objectives add tremendous pressure.
  • Boss Fights – Major boss battles, especially on short time limits, can halt progress instantly.
  • Survival Sequences – Fending off endless enemies taxes ammo and health reserves.
  • Map Complexity – Large multi-branching maps with verticality and long sightlines favor enemies.
  • Communication Critical – Coordinating and adapting with teammates is mandatory for victory.

Mastering Warface’s most punishing content requires skill, strategic thinking, situational awareness, and teamwork. Here are some tips to overcome these mighty challenges:

Conquering Warface’s Hardest Missions

Taking on the hardest PvE missions in Warface is an endgame goal requiring solid preparation and execution. Here are some tips to help your squad overcome these brutal challenges:

  • Study Mission Guides – Review detailed text and video walkthroughs to understand mission objectives and strategy.
  • Fine Tune Loadouts – Bring your best weapons and gear tailored to the mission’s enemies and challenges.
  • Assign Roles – Divide responsibilities like healing, sniping, point defense, and objectives.
  • Communicate Constantly – Provide continual updates on enemy locations and coordinate next moves.
  • Conserve Resources – Health and ammo are limited, so avoid unnecessary risks and waste.
  • Pick Up Hostage Coins – These provide a valuable extra life if someone goes down at a key moment.
  • Focus Fire Bosses – Designate priority targets during overwhelming fights.
  • Reposition Frequently – Move often to avoid being pinned down or flanked in open areas.
  • Stay Calm Under Pressure – Panicking leads to mistakes – take a breath and recover after each fight.
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With the right balance of preparation, coordination, skill, and determination, even Warface’s deadliest gauntlets can be overcome. The journey will forge your squad into an elite PvE unit ready to tackle the game’s next challenges.

Keep Improving With Harder Difficulties

The missions above provide a thrilling challenge for teams who have mastered Warface’s standard difficulty. However, ratcheting the difficulty up to Hard and Insane introduces even more punishing enemies and dangers. Tackling these tougher versions of the same missions remains one of Warface’s supreme endgame accomplishments.

Harder difficulties change these missions’ enemies, damage output, and spawn rates to test your abilities to their fullest. Here are some key amplifications players will encounter:

  • More enemy snipers and SED troopers
  • Improved enemy aim and reaction times
  • Faster-moving enemies
  • Higher enemy HP pools
  • Shorter objective timers
  • Extra shielded enemies
  • Additional enemy spawn waves
  • Increased damage from all enemy attacks

Simply completing the original versions of these missions is an impressive feat. But experienced teams seeking the ultimate challenge can return on Hard or Insane for even more intense, demanding, and rewarding experiences. Have you dared to take on these missions on their most punishing settings? Let us know your own picks for Warface’s toughest and most satisfying PvE content.


What is the easiest Warface mission?

The easiest Warface missions based on community feedback are typically Sunrise, Anubis, Blackout, and Icebreaker on the Normal difficulty setting. They have straightforward layouts and objectives without too many major hurdles for new players.

What is the hardest PvP mission in Warface?

For PvP, Operation Blackwood is generally considered the most challenging mission due to its large, complex map layout. The multi-stage offensive/defensive structure demands coordinated teamwork. Planting and defusing bombs while navigating dense forests and trenches is also difficult.

Do Warface missions get harder at higher levels?

Yes, increasing the difficulty scaling from Normal to Hard to Insane introduces more enemies with greater damage, accuracy, aggressiveness, and abilities. Time limits also become tighter, while objectives stay just as complex to complete.

What is the longest mission in Warface?

Currently, the longest Warface mission is Mars. This marathon multi-stage operation can take over an hour to complete, requiring sustained focus across diverse environments and objectives.

Can you replay a Warface mission?

Yes, any completed Warface mission can be replayed after it resets during the daily countdown period. This allows players to earn more rewards and improve their completion time.

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